Friday, October 27, 2017

Dramamine is not going to fix this

The road back from radiation/surgery/biopsy is neither straight nor smooth. Of course, I don't think we're going back to where we were January 23rd, two days after my fifty-seventh birthday and the day before my routine mammogram that would open the door on this horrendous journey. Some days are good, some are not so good. There are no pain-free days, but mostly the pain is fleeting, usually striking only once or twice in a day.

Then there was yesterday. The breast was painful from the moment I awoke, and at times I was on the verge of tears, including while in the grocery store. It did not calm down until mid-afternoon, but reminded me of its distress to some degree the rest of the day.

Take something, for heaven's sake, you may be thinking. I've never really "liked" taking aspirin or its substitutes. Following surgery, the strong painkillers (opioids?) did not seem to help. I tried something over-the-counter, but it didn't seem to help either. (I say "seem" because it might have been worse without them, I don't know.) I took Advil for several weeks towards the end of radiation, and I hope I did no lasting damage to other organs. It certainly did not address the discomfort or swelling.

Today was not as bad as yesterday. Some of the same sensations, but not the same intensity.

I have heard too many doctors say "that's normal" way too often on this journey, and I know women have said they feel pain and sensations for years following this course of treatment. But this can't possibly be normal, can it? Because I'm not sure I'm up to this.