Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lions, Tigers & Greenpeace, Oh My!

dedicated to my darling husband!

I really don't like those solicitors who stand outside grocery stores. They never engage you on your way in, they wait until you're coming out with groceries, things you want to get home to the refrigerator as soon as possible, before they try to talk to you. So as you are struggling with a wonky-wheeled cart and disappearing car keys, they want your opinion on important issues, like clothing-optional beaches and term limits (I thought that's what elections are for!).

The other day on my way into the grocery store, I saw two incredibly young, beautiful women wearing 'Greenpeace' t-shirts and cut-off shorts with barely an inch of inseam (no, I'm not jealous, why do you ask?) with their heads together as they consulted a clipboard. Oh, great, I thought. Maybe I can time my exit to pass though the door with some other shoppers, and slip by unnoticed. There's only two of them. Alas, on my way out, I was nailed by their next move in this virtual chess match as, sure enough, a perky voice followed by a sweet face caught me.

"Do you like tigers?" Check.

"You bet, honey, I love 'em. That's why I married one." Her eyes got big and her mouth dropped open. 


Saturday, January 7, 2012



my body is a temple; the Holy Spirit has a life-time lease...

there's a little snow on the roof now, and some of the doors are creaky and some of the windows are drafty,

but the general structure is fairly sound...

of course, the zoning of this temple's neighborhood has changed some over the years...

no major yard work or heavy lifting is allowed anymore...

but I can be the reader on Sunday morning, and I can still lift the telephone to call my prayer partners,

and I can recount this temple's history to the young builders around me...

"didn't you realize that you were God's temple and that the Spirit of God was living among you?...the temple of God is sacred; and you are that temple." I Corinthians 3:16 & 17b