Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uncle Jerry & Aunt Elaine

Remember the surprise birthday party for Mom? Her brother Jerry and his wife, Elaine, have been here all week. Mom and her "crew" have been like tourists in SD this week. But Jerry and Elaine are leaving tomorrow morning to fly back to Michigan. We all got together one more time this evening to eat and tell stories. It was great. When it came time for them to leave, Mom stayed in the house while everyone else went outside. Just too hard to say good-bye when there are thousands of miles in between the next hello.

I love my Mom, and I love my sisters. They are wonderful women and I'm proud to be in the gene pool with them. Mom said this was the best week of her life - she had a 7-day birthday party that was filled with laughter, fun, food, and love. God bless you Mama.

1 comment:

Debbie A said...

So cool! What a great serial. I love the gene pool turn of phrase.