Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Country ‘Tis of Thee…and some Post-Election Thoughts

My heart is joyful this morning. Yet my heart is sad, also. Last night we elected a new president and I am very happy. But, this morning when I arrived at work full of new hope and triumph, my friend was upset that I expressed my delight. Her candidate did not win. She is angry and disappointed because she says the man who was elected does not support her beliefs. She took my expression of joy as an insult. I’m sorry for her unhappiness. But democracy is a two-edged sword. It’s about citizens being able to choose who they want to govern them in fair and free elections. Sometimes your chosen candidates win…sometimes they don’t. This system has worked for almost 250 years, and I believe it will still be working in another 250.

A co-worker who voted for Obama is married to a man who voted for McCain. This morning, they sat across from each other at the breakfast table while her husband explained to their daughter that he’s not sad because his candidate didn’t win. He is glad to live in a democracy where we are free to vote, without fear of reprisals. He also told his daughter that he will support the new president because, even though he didn’t vote for Mr. Obama, the man is now HIS president and deserves the respect and support of every U.S. citizen.

Prop 8 is expected to pass. I voted against it. This makes me sad for my gay and lesbian friends who must be feeling marginalized and ostracized by a majority (albeit a slim majority) of the population. My faith and belief that the Holy Spirit is moving to evoke change in our hearts was the deciding factor in my vote. My friends, this battle is not over. Love will win – it always does.

Each week in church we’ve been praying for “John McCain, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Sarah Palin and their families…the citizens of the United states of America…for all the nations of the world…for Christians in their vocation as citizen…all who serve in public life…” The list goes on to include our governor, mayor, the people of Iraq and their leaders, for those who are serving in the armed forces, and many others. We don't just pray for the people we like - as Christians we pray for all our brothers and sisters on this earth.

Do you ever get a song in your head that keeps repeating itself? This one has been doing re-runs in my brain since last night:

My country tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrim’s pride.
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring.

Freedom is ringing, loud and clear this morning. Aren't we blessed to live in this time and place?

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