Friday, November 7, 2008

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes or Breaking the rules part 2

For many years, I’ve been in an odd sort of situation. Because my family’s business owned commercial property, I’m considered “rich” by both the IRS tax code and my ex-husband. Unfortunately, I’ve been living just this side of cash-poor. Throw in the fact that I’ve been raising a special needs child, without support from her dad, either moral or financial, and I’m stretched pretty thin. So when I hear the words “spread the wealth around” come out of Candidate Obama’s mouth, I get…concerned. If I’m stretched any thinner part of me may disappear, most likely the part that modestly contributes to charity and sometimes buys Girl Scout cookies. My life’s ambition is to become a philanthropist, and I just have this feeling that the next four years will push that goal farther down my road.

Barack Obama is not my rescuer, but he is my president. I will be respectful and…hopeful.

Oh, yeah, the title of this post? Roughly translates to “who will guard the guards?” I’ll leave you with that thought, and this companion one from Thomas Jefferson: Any government powerful enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take everything.

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